Community Elder and Neighbourhood Services for Mediation
Neighbourhood Mediation
Mediation is a neutral process where all parties voluntarily elect to participate. The Mediation process can be utilized to resolve a wide range of conflicts that arise in communities, particularly between neighbours.
You do not have to agree to resolve your legal dispute at mediation – however, you do have to cooperate, listen to the views of other participants and consider options for resolution.
Mediation is used as a session to:
- Identify issues
- Suggest options
- Explore alternatives for resolving the legal dispute – some of which might not be available to you if you go to trial.
Types of Disputes :
Below are a few examples of the types of disputes where mediation can help:
- Formal small claims disputes including disputes between tenants & landlords, disputes over private sales between parties, and disputes over contracting services.
- Informal disputes between roommates, friends, neighbours, etc.
- Mediation of a range of Conflicts between business owners, Social Clubs, vendors, clients, patrons, employees, residents of the surrounding neighbourhood, etc.
Not sure what to do? Contact Jo-Anne for a FREE 15 Minute call back Session
Community Conversations
ADRAMS Mediation Services can provide both the venue and the facilitator to help resolve these types of community-wide disputes.
We do this by having a conversation involving multi stake holders to the issue.
- Often it is important to utilise a venue that is non-adversarial and a neutral party all stakeholders.
Examples of issues may include, but are not limited to:
- Zoning disputes
- Strata disputes
- Neighbourhood decision making
- Neighbourhood matters between neighbours.
- Social Club matters regarding disputes among members.
For more information in regards to State Administrative Tribunal and Mediation –
Not sure what to do? Contact Jo-Anne for a FREE 15 Minute call back Session
Elder Mediation – There is NO Excuse!
Elder Mediation can assist older people, their families and significant others with difficult conversations.
Some of these include:
- How to make plans and to reach outcomes to disagreements
- Outcomes that work for the older persons, to respect their rights and enhance their safety.
Adrams Mediation Services provides Elder Mediation which is a specialised form of Mediation.
- Elder Mediation provides a framework to protect the rights, safety and interests of the elder people and their families.
- It is conducted by specifically trained Mediators.
- The mediators have an understanding of the issues which are unique to elder people.
- Additionally, for senior and older people, areas and concerns that arise later in life for both the elder person and their concerned family members.
Include, though are not limited to :
- Allowing families to create workable and mutually acceptable solutions to their difficult disputes. That is, Solutions focused outcomes.
- By working together, families can develop communication strategies to enable them to successfully make empowered and important decisions in the future
- At all times, ensuring the RIGHT of Respect, Dignity and Fairness for the elder person(s)
- Within families, to encourage, restore, maintain, improve family relationships
- Importantly, to avoid potentially costly and time-consuming litigation
- Most times, the Elder Mediated appointments outcomes result in a higher degree of satisfaction as compared to a court/tribunal decision
- Assists the elder person and family deal in a positive and solutions focused manner with organisations or persons providing assistance for elder person.
- Provides a SAFE place for difficult family discussions around issues like best residential care for Elders and other family concerns such as estate planning, Living Wills.
- Inheritance, Estate and Trust matters
- Residential options
- Family Communication
- Decision making processes for all parties
- Including the voice of the Elder in all discussions
- Family members’ roles and responsibilities
- Caregiver burnout
- Assistance to avoid court guardianships
- Driving and transportation
- Finances and bill paying
- Personal property distribution
- Legacy
- Medical decisions
- End of Life decision-making
- Planning and anticipating issues before crises develop
Principal Jo-Anne is a member of EMAN (Elder Mediation Australasia Network.)
The link above is for a You Tube video made by Legal Services SA for APEA (the Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse). It features advice from the 5 member agencies of APEA.
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