Community Elder and Neighbourhood Services for Mediation

Neighbourhood Mediation
Mediation is a neutral process where all parties voluntarily elect to participate.  The Mediation process can be utilized to resolve a wide range of conflicts that arise in communities, particularly between neighbours.

You do not have to agree to resolve your legal dispute at mediation – however, you do have to cooperate, listen to the views of other participants and consider options for resolution.

Mediation is used as a session to:

  1. Identify issues
  2. Suggest options
  3. Explore alternatives for resolving the legal dispute – some of which might not be available to you if you go to trial.
Types of Disputes :

Below are a few examples of the types of disputes where mediation can help:

  1. Formal small claims disputes including disputes between tenants & landlords, disputes over private sales between parties, and disputes over contracting services.
  2. Informal disputes between roommates, friends, neighbours, etc.
  3. Mediation of a range of Conflicts between business owners, Social Clubs, vendors, clients, patrons, employees, residents of the surrounding neighbourhood, etc.

Not sure what to do?   Contact Jo-Anne for a FREE 15 Minute call back Session

Community Conversations

ADRAMS Mediation Services can provide both the venue and the facilitator to help resolve these types of community-wide disputes.


We do this by having a conversation involving multi stake holders to the issue.

  • Often it is important to utilise a venue that is non-adversarial and a neutral party all stakeholders.

Examples of issues may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Zoning disputes
  2. Strata disputes
  3. Neighbourhood decision making
  4. Neighbourhood matters between neighbours.
  5. Social Club matters regarding disputes among  members.

For more  information in regards to State Administrative Tribunal and Mediation –

Not sure what to do?   Contact Jo-Anne for a FREE 15 Minute call back Session   

Elder Mediation – There is NO Excuse!

Elder Mediation can assist older people, their families and significant others with difficult conversations.

Some of these include:

  1. How to make plans and to reach outcomes to disagreements
  2. Outcomes that work for the older persons,  to respect their rights and enhance their safety.

Adrams Mediation Services provides Elder Mediation which is a specialised form of Mediation.

  • Elder Mediation provides a framework to protect the rights, safety and interests of the elder people and their families.
  • It is conducted by specifically trained Mediators.
    • The mediators have an understanding of the issues which are unique to elder people.
    • Additionally, for senior and older people, areas and concerns that arise later in life for both the elder person and their concerned family members.

Include, though are not limited to :

    • Allowing families to create workable and mutually acceptable solutions to their difficult disputes. That is, Solutions focused outcomes.
    • By working together, families can develop communication strategies to enable them to successfully  make empowered and important decisions in the future
    • At all times, ensuring the RIGHT of Respect, Dignity and Fairness for the elder person(s)
    • Within families, to encourage, restore, maintain, improve family relationships
    • Importantly, to avoid potentially costly and time-consuming litigation
    • Most times, the Elder Mediated appointments outcomes result in a higher degree of satisfaction as  compared to a court/tribunal decision
    • Assists the elder person and family deal in a positive and solutions focused manner with organisations or persons providing assistance for elder person.
    • Provides a SAFE place for difficult family discussions around issues like best residential care for Elders and other family concerns such as estate planning, Living Wills.
    • Inheritance, Estate and Trust matters
    • Residential options
    • Family Communication
    • Decision making processes for all parties
    • Including the voice of the Elder in all discussions
    • Family members’ roles and responsibilities
    • Caregiver burnout
    • Assistance to avoid court guardianships
    • Driving and transportation
    • Finances and bill paying
    • Personal property distribution
    • Legacy
    • Medical decisions
    • End of Life decision-making
    • Planning and anticipating issues before crises develop

Principal Jo-Anne is a member of EMAN (Elder Mediation Australasia Network.)

The link above is for a You Tube video made by Legal Services SA for APEA (the Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse). It features advice from the 5 member agencies of APEA.


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